A pessimist would say I failed and need to repeat in order to relearn what I didn't know. An optimist would disagree and clearly state that you have a fresh canvas to paint. For me, it comes down to asking bigger questions:
1) What did I learn?
2) What changed?
3) How do I embrace change?
4) What is possible?
5) What lessons have I learned and how will I apply them?
Transformation happens when we ask difficult thoughtful questions of ourselves and seek a different outcome
"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination." Napoleon Hill
Most recently (June) we wrapped up our first annual Edge Challenge Contest. We reached out to Students, Teachers, Faculty and early stage Start-up Companies. The initial goal was to have each contestant share their vision to how they would transform a learning experience inside and outside the classroom.

While we high five all of our contestants on a job well done- the real gem is in the initial idea and how they grow and cultivate it beyond the challenge.
1) Is this a commercially viable product?
2) Is there market demand?
3) Do you know your audience / potential customer base?
4) Have you done your homework / what is the competitive landscape?
5) Do I have resources and mentors to help build upon the initial idea?
6) Should I put this project on the shelf and learn from the experience?
7) Why are you passionate about your project?
8) What makes your idea unique?
9) How do you package and sell it? (selling model)
10) Big question....what if ____________
What is the next big thing that we should think about to transform our learning experience with mobile?
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